Thursday, May 30, 2024

Poetry and Fiction - Just "One Word" Away (Treasures)





The rose that blooms from the butterfly’s kiss

The birds that chirp to haunting wind chimes

The gardens that speak in floral slang

All come together; Nature’s Treasures


The child that sleeps under Angels’ watch

The innocent breath that worries not

The Mother’s love which shines so bright

All come together; Life’s Treasures


The ocean’s tide that wets the shore

The sand and seashells wanting more

The seagulls which soar betwixt clouds and sky

All come together; Sea Treasures


The Lover’s kiss on puckered lips

The hearts that join as one

The eyes that glow into amber flame

All come together; Romance Treasures


The precious dog and regal cat

So devoted in magical ways

Wanting to please unconditionally

All come together; Pet Treasures

The friendships we share

Tears and laughter abound

Interlaced souls forever

All come together; Human Treasures


The faith in the Lord

When we have no answers

So pious are we in prayer

All come together; Divine Treasures


Treasures we seek and Treasures we keep

We may wear them like Gold and Silver

They adorn our souls so vibrantly

Pulsating to the beat of our hearts

Sparkling from the shimmer of our souls

…All come together; Flawless Treasures







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