Saturday, June 25, 2022


            GOOD DAY ALL... I know this is a very sensitive topic, and the Supreme Court decision has caused quite a reaction on both sides - Liberals and Conservatives . The man the Libs blame is Donald Trump. The man I praise is Donald Trump. My feeling is Trump gave these blessed, tiny, gifts from God, a VOICE...If anyone disputes that, I wonder???? Women, especially, are caregivers, nurturers, protectors, lionesses... Many women, however, use abortion as birth control. That is careless and reckless. I believe abortions should be allowed in cases of rape, incest, danger to the Mom, a baby that has no chance at quality of life, a baby who may suffer serious consequences in cases of addiction. These are conversations that still need to be had at the State level and between Dr and patient. In the case of rape, or careless sex, the morning after pill should be the first line of defense. THERE MUST BE A VOICE FOR THE INNOCENT, VULNERABLE, UNBORN. They must be protected. No??????? - Let's flip the coin here and look at the children you may know and love. If they had been aborted because "It's my body, my choice"...would you miss them from your life, today? - Those beautiful, innocent, loving human beings who bring joy to your lives may, today, be your daughters, sons, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, neighborhood kids, your friends' children. They deserve that chance at life. If any of us had been aborted, look at all the wonderful parts of our lives we might have missed out on... Look, you love the children and babies in your life very deeply today, and you awaited their arrival with happy hearts and loving anticipation. That is magic, that is beauty, that is Godly and that is TRUE LOVE. Embrace all that you have been blessed with...Remember, Dems pushed for late-term abortions, and that should not be a law or a right - that is murder. Like I said, this was a good move by The Supreme Court, but conversations for fair exceptions need to happen. On the other hand, love ALL those babies in your life who were NOT the poor victims of "My body, my Choice"...GOD BLESS THEM !!! GOD BLESS YOU !!!  #savethebabies



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