Saturday, September 5, 2020

"The Great Pumpkin Ride" (13 Days of Halloween Theme 2020 / Spillwords Press /


The Midnight Ride on Halloween

could not compare to Paul Revere;

There was no warning of what was to come,

for The Great Pumpkin was already here!


Warlock “Blaise” - He cheered at the reins,

while most townsfolk were still fast asleep;

His Great Pumpkin rolled in, on cast iron wheels,

through dead silence, not even a peep


Suddenly, all of the mayhem broke loose

It forced the townsfolk up on their feet

From beds to windows, they did peer out

- Was this a trick, or was this a treat?


When Warlock “Blaise” fiercely pulled on the reins,

The Great Pumpkin slowed down his pace…

He popped up his stem and opened his top -

Laying fear on everyone’s face


Out of the Pumpkin, they came one by one…

The Ghosts, the Goblins, the Witches of the Night!

They danced and screeched in the quiet streets,

 casting huge shadows by each window’s light


The townsfolk hid behind closed doors,

as each Witch rode past on a broom

The eerie and wicked Halloween crew

cast spells of Halloween doom


There were Spiders and Skeletons lurking about

The Witches left foul brew at each door

Warlock “Blaise” rose to his feet, sang a devilish tune,

but the townsfolk couldn’t take anymore!


They ran for their ammo and loaded their guns

All windows were opened full wide

They shot at the Ghosts, Goblins, Witches galore

and smiled as each fell - with pride!


‘Twas the “young” Warlock’s time to meet his fate,

as he cowered behind The Great Pumpkin’s shield

But someone shot him, straight through the heart;

- and “Blaise” died on his own battlefield.


The Great Pumpkin rode off, on his cast iron wheels -

He left his sinful friends dead in the street

He rode out of town, without looking back,

and unwillingly claimed defeat


The townsfolk came out of their homes with glee,

and burned all the evil that fell in their way

They took back their streets, on this Halloween night,

as "The Great Pumpkin Ride" faded by day!


- by Phyllis P. Colucci 

The next time a Warlock-driven Pumpkin rides into your town, be prepared at your windows to take them down. Do not wait to see if it's a "trick or a treat", because you may be the one unwillingly claiming defeat!!!

A Happy Halloween to All...Enjoy the treats - not the tricks...Ha! Ha!

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