Saturday, June 29, 2024

Poetry and Fiction - Just "One Word" Away (You)


            One word becomes one idea, becomes one sentence, becomes one poem, becomes one story. It must start from just “one word”.


FROM THE AUTHOR:  The timing of “Love” is unpredictable. A lost love may always find its way back years down the road, when the timing may be just right.



“You” were the smile on my face

The Love in my heart

The Mender of my soul

which has now fallen apart


“You” had given me life

that had been stolen away

And “You” had given me strength

to face each new day


Your kiss was a treasure;

A joy I’ll hold dear

The warmth of your body

Had conquered my fear


Your touch could move mountains

and rattle the sea

Yet its strength and its softness

had brought true comfort to me


I was safe in your arms

and free from all harm

Inhaling your laughter

and all of your charm


I could dance on forever

to the rhythm of your voice

Spinning like a ballerina

Where my spirit could rejoice


“You” made me feel  like a Queen

in a faraway place

Sipping tea on a throne

Awaiting your embrace


Sadly, our story

did not last very long

It was now hidden quite deep

within every love song


We parted ways in agreement

Our hearts filled with remorse

It was painful, it was stinging

Yet, we chose a new course


“You” faded away into the eerie night

I was unable to see “You” in the morning light

I still try to find “You” in a sunlit sky

Betwixt the clouds passing by


While the yellow hues sparkle vividly

Like a sheet of Van Gogh’s artistry

I walk alone with broken wing

I no longer dance, I no longer sing


I imagine your smile accompanying me

But only a tear and a memory are left of “We”

Those treasures are all I have of “You”

I live life as one now; where once we were “two”


…I soon took that long walk

down the Aisle of Wedded Bliss

While “He” waited at the altar

I was missing your kiss


I made a new life as we promised we would

I wondered if “You” did the same

But something told me, however, my life was not right

…and our foolish youth was to blame


Then one day, to our surprise, we unexpectedly met

Where I shared my tales of woe and regret

Over coffee and laughs, “You” shared all yours too

Then we resurrected what was once Me and “You”

… Something wonderful our true hearts always knew !