Thursday, May 24, 2018

An Excerpt - An Untitled "Work in Progress"

Good Day All! - I am working on my 5th ebook (Fiction/Novel) (currently untitled, and still a work in progress). This is a story of danger, suspense, romance and some bizarre happenings...Check out an excerpt from it, below -

   Susan pushed open the door to “The Heirloom Room” as clumsily as an excited and hyperactive child. She was breathless from anxiety and desperate for answers. She lifted Ramona up off the old wooden rocking chair, sat herself down, placed Ramona on her lap, and proceeded to speak with her friend. She nervously spoke, non-stop, until she finished her entire story about Joe, the limo incident, his confession to her, and his threats. She begged Ramona to advise her. Susan cried and sobbed until her nose clogged up so badly, that she gasped for air which just couldn’t make its way through.  She fought to calm herself while she continued to choke on her own tears and mucous. When she finally cleared her throat and nostrils, able to take in much needed oxygen, she yelled out Ramona’s name. She begged Ramona for answers. However, nothing came from the ragdoll who seemed to have lost the sparkle from its rhinestone eyes. The doll lie dead and limp in Susan’s quivering lap. Susan was not having that. She could not accept nor tolerate any lack of response from Ramona!

          Susan shook the doll violently with terrible force from her bare hands. Then she hugged it close to her heart, and tearfully apologized for her fierce outburst. She whispered, “Please forgive me Ramona. I’m so very sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m just so frightened, and I have nowhere to turn and no one to turn to for help except you my dearest friend. Please Ramona. I need to protect David, Sara and Lisa from Joe. He’s a monster! Help me! Tell me what to do!” 

          Susan stared deeply into Ramona’s rhinestone eyes, and conjured up the answers she needed; the answers she believed came from Ramona. She placed her ear near Ramona’s mouth and let out a sigh. Susan replied, “Oh no. I can’t do that Ramona! What are you saying? There has to be a better way! I’m not capable of doing something like that!” After a few eerie moments of silence and some deep reflection, Susan nodded and whispered back to Ramona that she would only consider doing that as last resort…and only then. She added that she needed to play by Joe’s rules first so she could gain his trust...then she’d do whatever was necessary from that point on to keep everyone safe.

         Susan held Ramona up in the air with both hands and faced her directly as they stared eye to eye, until she was convinced Ramona had given her blessing. She then got up from the rocking chair, sat Ramona upright in one corner of that chair, kissed her cheek, gently ran her fingers through her soft-yarn hair, smoothed out her ruffled satin dress, and left the room. She turned back and said, “Thank you Ramona. I love you, my friend. I love you dearly.” Ramona seemingly smiled as Susan raced out of the “Heirloom Room” and into the kitchen. She heard David’s key in the door.

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